Home RX

Managing your medication has never been easier.

Home Rx is our retail medication program that delivers full-service pharmacy services directly to patients’ residence. Your prescriptions are delivered right to your house, eliminating driving to the pharmacy, waiting in lines, and dosage confusion.

Ease and convenience

Never drive or wait in line at the pharmacy, we deliver directly to your door.

We utilize most modern medication packaging system to sort your medication, so you will never be confused.

Never miss a refill because we work with your doctors to automatically manage your refills.

Star Pharmacy Home RX Stories

Jeff and Sara live in New Jersey. On a recent visit to Sara’s parents in New York, they were shocked to learn how many prescription medications the couple was taking.

Though in their 60s, Jeff’s in-laws take between 15 and 20 medications apiece to tackle everything from cardiac illnesses to bipolar disorder. At times they were taking multiple medications for a same condition from different doctors in addition to taking medications at a wrong time of day, reducing the medication’s efficacy.

These problems were discovered and corrected when Jeff signed his in-laws up with Star Pharmacy.